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Van Nguyen Dao Ngoc

Technical Lead for Viet Nam in STOP Spillover’s Wildlife, Livestock, Epidemiology, Behavior Change, and Gender Strategy Resource Hub

Van Nguyen Dao Ngoc is the Technical Lead for Viet Nam in STOP Spillover’s Wildlife, Livestock, Epidemiology, Behavior Change, and Gender Strategy Resource Hub. Ms. Van has more than 20 years’ experience in the control of illegal wildlife trade and species conservation and 10 years’ development experience in Viet Nam, working with government partners, donors, academic institutions, companies, international organizations, and iNGOs such as UNICEF, FAO, UNDP, USAID, the World Wide Fund for Nature, and TRAFFIC. Ms. Van holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Management from the National University of Singapore. She can be reached at

Headshot of Van Nguyen Dao Ngoc