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Here you can search external resources from STOP Spillover's experts (tagged in blue) and resources developed by the STOP Spillover project (tagged in red).

We found 78 resources.

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

An Exploration of Factors Contributing to Failure and Success of Previous Interventions to Improve Biosecurity and Biosafety in Live Bird Markets of Bangladesh

This STOP Spillover poster, presented at the June 2024 Global Health Security Conference, summarizes the Bangladesh Country Team's research on factors associated with the outcomes of earlier biosafety interventions in live bird markets in Dhaka.

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Development of Biosecurity and Biosafety-Informed Design Principles for Physical Infrastructures of Live Bird Markets of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

This STOP Spillover poster, presented at the June 2024 Global Health Security Conference, describes the Bangladesh Country Team's infrastructure designs for single and multiple-shop live bird markets based on biosafety and quality standards.

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Developing Guidelines and Training for Safe Handling and Processing of Wild Meat Using Biosafety Practices in Côte d'Ivoire

This STOP Spillover poster, presented at the June 2024 Global Health Security Conference, describes the Côte d'Ivoire Country Team's development of biosafety guidelines and training for those involved in the wild meat trade, which addressed issues such as hygiene in processing, waste management, sanitization, cleaning and disinfection and the proper use of PPE.

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Understanding and Mitigating Zoonotic Spillover Risks in the Wildmeat Value Chain in Sierra Leone

This STOP Spillover poster, presented at the June 2024 Global Health Security Conference, describes the Sierra Leone Country Team's study of the wildmeat trade in a high-risk interface in Eastern Sierra Leone, which found that the main drivers of wildmeat hunting, sale, and consumption are food, medicine, economics, and cultural factors.

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Understanding the Environmental and Sociodemographic Risk Factors for Lassa Fever in Eastern Sierra Leone

This STOP Spillover poster, presented at the June 2024 Global Health Security Conference, describes the Sierra Leone Country Team's study of the human behaviors, beliefs, and practices that influence the frequency of human-rodent contact and the spread of Lassa virus. Data were collected through focus groups, key informant interviews, and direct observation.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Strengthening Coordination in the Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Disease

This brief summarizes the development of implementation guidelines that establish coordination mechanisms for the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases at the provincial level in Dong Nai province in Viet Nam. STOP Spillover then collaborated with the government to conduct dissemination workshops that prepared provincial-, district-, and commune-level stakeholders to apply the guidelines in their work and to facilitate collaboration on outbreak investigation and response.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Ebola Biosafety Intervention

This brief describes efforts to increase the use of biosafety materials and biosafety protocols at a wild meat market in Sierra Leone. A One Health-Design Research and Mentorship (OH-DReaM) working group developed protocols to improve the enforcement of personal protective equipment (PPE) use, women working in the market were trained on the use of PPE and provided with PPE, and a handwashing station was installed at the market.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Applying Science to Understand Lassa Virus Distribution in the Rodent Reservoir Host

This brief describes training held in Liberia to prepare research technicians, One Health-Design Research and Mentorship (OH-DReaM) working group members, and STOP Spillover Liberia team members to collect and test samples from rodents for the presence of Lassa virus RNA—an indication of infection. The research was conducted to understand whether the distribution of Lassa fever in Liberia extends beyond the previously identified "Lassa belt.

Thumbnail of impact brief cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Reducing Risk of Pathogen Spillover in Wild Meat Processing

This brief describes a two-day interactive training held for processors and workers who handle wild meat in markets and restaurants in the District des Montagnes in Côte d'Ivoire. The training focused on biosafety and hygiene measures to reduce harm related to zoonotic diseases in the meat value chain.

Thumbnail of impact brief cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Applying Science to Understand Artificial Bat Roost Risk to Communities

This brief describes training held to prepare One Health-Design Research and Mentorship (OH-DReaM) working group members and STOP Spillover Cambodia team members to survey bat guano harvest sites and carry out bat sampling at bat guano farms. Participants were also trained to conduct food and water contamination assessment in surrounding communities to quantitatively assess viral spillover risk from bats.

Thumbnail of the impact brief
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Improving Live Bird Market Biosecurity

This brief summarizes the development of a holistic, multi-pronged design for a live bird market in Bangladesh that features biosecurity and hygiene measures to reduce the risk of spillover. The design was created through a series of workshops with national and local stakeholders.

Thumbnail of report: with a woman probably of African-American origin stands in front of a shack with protective gloves on her hands.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

STOP Spillover Year 4 Semi-Annual Report (1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024)

This report documents progress made during STOP Spillover's fourth project year in the host countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Viet Nam. 

Thumbnail of report cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Interactive Mapping of Human-Wildlife Interfaces: A Report from STOP Spillover Côte d'Ivoire

This report summarizes the development of a spatial database of the levels of interaction between humans and wildlife in the District des Montagnes in Côte d'Ivoire, including the creation of an interactive platform for identifying areas of high human-wildlife interaction and potentially high zoonotic disease risk.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Waste Water and Waste Effluent Surveillance: Initial Sampling and Results

This brief describes an initiative to conduct sampling of waste water and liquid waste effluent at high-risk sample collection points in Côte d’Ivoire. Some of the samples were found to be positive for SARS-CoV-2 or Influenza A viruses. The results demonstrate the utility and benefits of wastewater and liquid waste surveillance in low- and middle-income countries, in particular the use of  inexpensive passive samplers to obtain high-quality results.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Transforming Communities by Mitigating Lassa Fever Risk in Lassa Fever-Endemic Communities in Liberia

This brief describes an intervention featuring collaboration with national and local stakeholders to design and implement innovative physical barriers and storage solutions to reduce rodent contamination of food, water, and homes as a proxy for reducing human exposure to Lassa virus.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Technical Consultations for Year 4 Activities Implementation

This brief describes a series of technical consultation events held with stakeholders in Dong Nai province on topics such as strengthening coordination to prevent and control zoonotic diseases, developing and piloting a biosafety certification program for wildlife farms, preventive healthcare for farmed wildlife, and a community-based risk reduction campaign to mitigate zoonotic disease spillover.

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Strengthening Capacity of OH-DReaM Working Groups: Third Round of Bat Guano Sampling

This brief describes a study of bat urine and guano that focused on analyzing and monitoring viral shedding and assessing potential virus transmission risks to human populations (i.e., bat-guano farming and non-bat-guano farming households).

Thumbnail of the impact brief.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Infrastructural Intervention for a Biosecure Live Bird Market

This brief summarizes an infrastructural intervention focused on collaborating with national and local stakeholders to develop and implement a holistic, multi-pronged design for a live bird market with improved biosecurity and hygiene measures that reduce the risk of spillover.

Thumbnail of report cover. Which has a photo of a group of people looking at large crevice.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

STOP Spillover Year 3 Annual Report: Risky Interfaces Hiding in Plain Sight (1 October 2022‒ 30 September 2023)

This document is the third annual report from STOP Spillover. In Project Year 3, STOP Spillover supported seven USAID priority countries to enhance understanding of the causes of viral emergence from animals to humans and to use this information to reduce risk of zoonotic viral spillover, amplification, and spread.

Thumbnail of brief cover.
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Impact Brief: Rodent Trapping

This brief summarizes a study to better understand Lassa virus spillover risks in high-risk interfaces in rural forest-edge communities in southeastern Sierra Leone and to identify ways to reduce the risk of Lassa virus spillover in the communities.