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Here you can search external resources from STOP Spillover's experts (tagged in blue) and resources developed by the STOP Spillover project (tagged in red).

We found 135 resources.

Thumbnail of report cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Uganda Participatory Planning Using Outcome Mapping: Summary Report

Through Outcome Mapping (OM), a structured participatory tool that uses a collaborative context-specific process, spillover ecosystem stakeholders (both traditional and non-traditional) are empowered to identify and reduce zoonotic spillover risks at human-animal-environment interfaces and develop an outcome-oriented project action plan. This report outlines the details of the OM workshop activities in Uganda.

Thumbnail of briefing book in Khmer
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Introducing STOP Spillover (in Khmer)

This briefing book on Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover outlines the project’s goals, the countries where it works, and its vision for priority countries across Africa and Asia to gain critical knowledge about spillover ecosystems and to refine and use that knowledge effectively, efficiently, and sustainably to reduce the risk of zoonotic viral spillover and spread.

Vignette de la première page du rapport
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Présentation de STOP SPILLOVER

Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover, un projet financé par l'USAID et dirigé par la Tufts University, est un consortium mondial composé d'experts de la santé humaine, animale et environnementale qui développe une nouvelle approche dans la compréhension et la gestion des risques posés par les virus zoonotiques connus susceptibles de contaminer l'homme et de provoquer des épidémies et des pandémies.

Thumbnail of the first page of the report
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Introducing STOP Spillover

This briefing book on Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover outlines the project’s goals, the countries where it works, and its vision for priority countries across Africa and Asia to gain critical knowledge about spillover ecosystems and to refine and use that knowledge effectively, efficiently, and sustainably to reduce the risk of zoonotic viral spillover and spread.

Thumbnail of report cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Viet Nam Participatory Planning Using Outcome Mapping: Summary Report

Through Outcome Mapping (OM), a structured participatory tool that uses a bottom-up collaborative process, spillover ecosystem stakeholders (both traditional and non-traditional) are empowered to identify and reduce zoonotic spillover risks at human-animal-environment interfaces and develop an outcome-oriented project action plan. This report outlines the details of the OM workshop activities in Viet Nam.

Thumbnail of report cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Bangladesh Participatory Planning Using Outcome Mapping: Summary Report

Through outcome mapping (OM), a structured participatory tool that uses a collaborative context-specific process, spillover ecosystem stakeholders (both traditional and nontraditional) are empowered to identify and reduce zoonotic spillover risks at human-animal-environment interfaces and develop an outcome-oriented project action plan. This report outlines the details of the OM activities held in Bangladesh.

Thumbnail of report cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Liberia Participatory Planning Using Outcome Mapping: Summary Report

Through outcome mapping (OM), a structured participatory tool that uses a collaborative context-specific process, spillover ecosystem stakeholders (both traditional and non-traditional) are empowered to identify and reduce zoonotic spillover risks at human-animal-environment interfaces and develop an outcome-oriented project action plan. This report outlines the details of the OM workshop activities in Liberia.

Thumbnail of the first page of the report
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

STOP Spillover Year 2 Semi-Annual Report (1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022): Working with Key Stakeholders to Prioritize and Plan Interventions to Reduce the Risk of Viral Zoonotic Spillover

The participatory nature of the outcome mapping (OM) process applied by STOP Spillover leverages a broad range of in-country stakeholders to identify potential interventions to reduce the risk of spillover at prioritized interfaces, along with addressing knowledge gaps and challenges that limit intervention design.

Thumbnail of the first page of the annual report
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

STOP Spillover Year 1 Annual Report (1 October 2020 ‒ 30 September 2021): Engaging Countries, Key Stakeholders, and Communities to Stop Spillover Locally

STOP Spillover's first year was defined by its deep engagement with countries, key stakeholders, and communities. Their contributions and guidance have helped ensure that STOP Spillover's approach is inclusive and will have a sustainable impact on decreasing risk of zoonotic viral spillover.

External ResourcePublished

The future of zoonotic risk prediction

Carlson, C.J., Farrell, M.J., Grange, Z., et al. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1837).

External ResourcePublished

Sporadic Rift Valley Fever outbreaks in humans and animals in Uganda, October 2017—January 2018

Birungi, D., Aceng, F.L., Bulage, L., Nkonwa, I.H., Mirembe, B.B., Biribawa, C., et al. DOI: 10.1155/2021/8881191.

External ResourcePublished

A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa

Wilkinson, E., Giovanetti, M., Tegally, H., San, J.E., Lessells, R., Cuadros, D., et al. Science, 374(6566): 423-431. doi: 10.1126/Science.Abj4336.

External ResourcePublished

The origins and future of Sentinel: an early-warning system for pandemic preemption and response

Botti-Lodovico, Y., Nai, P., Nosamiefan, D., Stremlau, M., Schaffner, S., Agignoae, S.V., et al. Viruses, 13(8):1605. doi: 10.3390/v13081605.

Thumbnail of brief cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

About OH-DReaM Working Groups

The One Health-Design Research and Mentorship Working Groups (OH-DReaM) are technical groups formed at the country level. They consist of Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover Country Team members, local stakeholders, and STOP Spillover Resource Hub members who have technical expertise in specific issue areas – working together to address a specific thematic area, help close an information or data gap, or develop an intervention.

External ResourcePublished

Development of a qualitative real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: a guide and case study in setting up an emergency-use, laboratory-developed molecular microbiological assay

Anahtar, M.N., Shaw, B.M. Slater, D., Byrne, E.H., Botti-Lodovico,Y., Adams, A., et al. J Clin Pathol, (74): 496–503.

Thumbnail of publication cover
STOP Spillover ResourcePublished

Spillover Ecosystem Stakeholder Engagement, Gap Analysis, and Intervention Design Using Outcome Mapping

Outcome Mapping (OM) is a structured participatory tool that uses a bottom-up collaborative process to engage all Spillover Ecosystem stakeholders (both traditional and non-traditional). OM recognizes that development, at its core, focuses on how people and stakeholders relate to one another and their environment. The process of inclusive development allows stakeholders to drive the change and own the process, which builds towards self-reliance and sustainability.

External ResourcePublished

DNA spike-ins enable confident interpretation of SARS-CoV-2 genomic data from amplicon-based sequencing

Kim A. Lagerborg, Erica Normandin, Matthew R. Bauer, Gordon Adams, Katherine Figueroa, Christine Loreth, Adrianne Gladden-Young, Bennett Shaw, Leah Pearlman. bioRxiv. doi:

External ResourcePublished

Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Boston highlights the impact of superspreading events

Lemieux, J.E., Siddle, K.J., Shaw, B.M., Loreth, C., Schaffner, S.F., Gladden-Young, A., et al. Science, 371(6529). DOI: 10.1126/science.abe3261.

External ResourcePublished

Fecal indicator bacteria data to characterize drinking water quality in low-resource settings: summary of current practices and recommendations for improving validity

Sikder, M., Naumova, E.N., Ogudipe, A., Gomez, M., Lantagne, D. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5): 2353.